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 Reveille at 0630 and breakfast, then by 0900 we were duly marched off to the interview section and commenced our tests.  I can remember the puzzles and of course the "wire bending test "  which consisted of a set length of wire, a drawing and a pair of pliers,  and having to manucfacture a shape to fit drawing.

For some this was a very alarming test and for one or two who were more than academically well qualified, it turned out to be a total Disaster in

skill of hand abilility



 It was then on to the medical and Psycological Question Time with a Psychiatrist.

     Now the medical did pose a problem.  I had for many years suffered from bad ears and had only in the two preceeding years got over a burst  left eardrum.  The Doc. on putting his "Shufty Scope"  in me lug enquired "Have you had any ear problems of late Lad?"  to which I lied in reply , hopefully convincingly, "No Sir" knowing full well that it could have been the end of my aspirations if he didn't believe me.  I heard him murmur "Hmmm"  and he moved on to the next Test  " Cough lad "

     So after all the probing we were sent on our way and told we would recieve notification very soon regarding our acceptability if the current tests were successful. 

     We were later to find out that two of our company, one was the boy who came first in the Academic entrance exam but Failed DISMALLY on Practical apptitude and another lad who although quite acceptable on all  the academic and practical fronts had more than five teeth missing which Medically,  believe it or not,  was obviously a major consideration in assessing Health  as  we were only aged between 15 and 16. 

     Time was speeding up now and one had to ready oneself for the Change.  It was not long before the Instructions and a rail warrant were delivered.  We were  to present ourselves complete with Ration Books  (Yes Wartime Rationing was still in situ even then)  on the 11th Juanuary 1954  at Plymouth North Road Railway Station to be transported to H.M.S. Fisgard at Torpoint in Cornwall.