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     Once "SIGNED ON ", kit issue could commence, so it was back to being a mobile heap again and marched  to the Naval Stores across the road in H.M.S.Raleigh to receive our first issue of Pussers' clothes and then return to our accomodation with a kit bag and suitcase full to begin the process of Marking up and regaling ourselves in Navy Blue Serge.  This entailed for some the introduction to sewing to connect  cap badge to cap band, secret stitching being a mystery to many, and all clothing to be marked with name stamp provided in black or white as necessary.  This process lasted for most of the second day and as things progressed kit was gradually transferred from the kit bag and case to ones locker.


Original Name Stamp from 1954 with original Paint


    DAY THREE commenced with regaling ourselves in the newly acquired clothes and packing away  the last vestiges of our previous life in regulation cardboard boxes ready to be posted home.  As "New Entries" some form of recognition was needed to save one from instant retribution from "The Management", so we were to wear white cap covers ( It being winter and still in the days of Black 'ats) with Khaki gaiters for the first 30 days as extras to differentiate us from "Old Hands". We were also confined to barracks during this time so as not to "Disgrace the Service".  By the end of the day the transformation had all but taken place, our pitifull little cardboard boxes taken to the collection point (these we would not see again for the next 16weeks), and for the first time just long enough to reflect on what we had "gawn and done". ( Excuse the London venacular expression)

Day four started in ernest  by attending Divisions and then being marched off to start our induction Lectures with the Divisional P/O's.

As the day progressed we were detailed off in small groups to be SHORN like sheep by the resident Barber, a process that would be inflicted on us every 4 weeks for the remainder of our stay in Fisgard.