Chapter 4

Let Battle Commence


   The Royal Navy Apprenticeship was to be of 4 years duration in a shore establishment with a Class/Term length of approximately 15 weeks.

The first 4 Classes were in H.M.S. Fisgard and at the end of 4 Class a move to another establishment was the order of the day for the remaining 8 terms.

H.M.S. Caledonia   -  situated above Rosyth Dockyard in Fife Scotland was to be for Engineroom Artificers, Ordnance Artificers  and Shipwright Artificers

H.M.S. Collingwood   -  at Leigh-on-Solent was for all Branches of the Electrical Artificers

H.M.S. Condor   -  at Arbroath In Angus Scotland for Aircraft Artificers

  The specific branch one was to enter was established at the end of 3 Class and for E.R.A.'s the relevant trade one was to follow was designated at the end of 4 Class namely Fitter/Turner, Boilermaker or Coppersmith.

  All selections for the various Branches were made on Exam results over the period and Observation of ones Abilities

  For E.R.A.'s at the end of the 4 year craft training  a further 3 years obtaining Operational Certificates was spent at sea. 

Year 1 -  ERA/5th Class  ( Leading Artificer - Designation of rate.  A single anchor on left sleeve plus a single Cuff Buton on each sleeve) Study for Auxilliary Watchkeeping Certificate.

Year 2 -  ERA/Act 4th Class ( Acting Petty Officer - Designation of rate. Two crossed anchors surmounted by a Queens Crown plus two Cuff Buttons on each sleve) Study for Boiler Watchkeeping Certificate.

Year 3 -  ERA 4th Class ( Confirmed Petty Officer - Designation of rate.  As above) Study for Unit Watchkeeping Certificate,  which Qualified one to Take Charge of a Ships Power unit as Officer of the Watch on Machinery with power capabilities up to 30.000 Shaft Horsepower at Full Power  

One could then be rated up to Chief Petty Officer after 3 years, (designation of Rate- 3 standard Buttons set about 4" up from the Bottom of each sleeve on uniform Jackets )   less any advancement time earnt during ones apprenticeship to give - A point of seniority within the Branch. This for most was at the age of 22 or 23 depending on how old one was on entry 7 years previously.

E.R.A.'s also recieved an extra 1/- (5p) per Day for holding this certificate and were the only branch of Artificer to recieve such a payment.

  Now we were totally inagurated into the body of BOIARTS Monday morning of the 5th week entailed us being marched to our first trade or school classes,  the numbers being split to minimise the amount of space and instructors needed.

In the Factory  instruction in the use of handtools on wood was the first level and the first JOB was to plane a Piece of 4"X4" flat and square on all 4 sides and saw to a given length. This entailed the use of Jack and smoothing plane, Square, Marking Guage, Carpenters Scriber and  winding bars, Two pieces of proven straight wood set crosswise along the length so as to sight the lining up of the edges and ensure there was no twist in the surface, and a saw. Acuuracy of measurements was of PRIME IMPORTANCE and the max allowed in wood was 1/32 of an inch after which one lost marks

  Now it was a standing Joke that the exercise was in fact to produce a Matchstick from the piece of 4"X4" , however I can't remember anyone taking that long to get the hang of the processes involved.

 From thereon exercises in woodwork entailed producing a miniture paneled door and a Grating amongst other things during the rest of the term

At school, Instruction in Mathmatics, Mechanics and electrics was the order of the day plus Physical Training in the Gymnasium and Field Sports

 So not a lot different from the life we had just left   SCHOOL  but with  no chance of playing truant.

 Oh and I nearly forgot  the length of day.

To fit all this in plus military education our day Started with Reville at 0630 and worked until 1900 4 days a week, turning in time and lights out set at 2200.


Note:- an Admiralty Fleet Order changed the Designations of Rate in 1960 to Ist Class, 2nd Class, Acting 2nd Class and 3rd Class